Our recent survey showed that 76% of hiring managers feel that a strong company culture is more critical than ever at this time.

Navigating a team working from home?
Unsure if your team is happy, thriving and engaged?
Struggling to create a collaborative and enthusiastic culture?
Are you comfortable with the level of employee engagement overall?

Many businesses have been asking us how they can best support their teams with today’s new ways of working and ultimately, how they can continue to engage and retain their top talent.

There couldn’t be a better time to take a pulse check on your team, and make sure your top talent is well looked after.

An employee engagement survey can help you:

  • Gain insight into current sentiment amongst your employees

  • Understand what is needed to build and maintain productivity and motivation

  • Explore perspectives and identify any critical ‘gaps’ that need to be tackled

  • Demonstrate to employees that the company is listening and addressing current needs

  • Understand how happy, challenged and dedicated your employees currently are

  • Develop approaches based on the learnings to increase or improve your engagement strategy


88% of those who responded to the survey said they’d implemented remote working, which in turn can lead to employees feeling distanced from their co-workers.

How does it work?

1. Craft a powerful and effective survey
Each survey will be crafted to ensure that it results in honest and useful thoughts from your employees.

2. Conduct the survey
33 Talent will then release the survey to all your employees. Employee data (including email addresses) is kept entirely confidential and used only for the survey. We will conduct the survey, set the deadline and follow up to ensure maximum participation whilst making sure employees feel comfortable being anonymous in the results.

3. Collect and analyse the data
Once the results are in, we’ll collect the data and present a report to you.

4. Suggest a clear action plan
Setting a plan and communicating this to your employees will set the business in good stead to build trust, rapport, and security. 33 Talent will suggest actions and help you create that plan.

Get in touch with Gemma Hills to action your Employee Engagement Survey.
