Kathryn Woof Team News

New Financial Year | Lots of Wine and Plenty to Read


​We had our End of Financial Celebration in Singapore last week, which for us means a presentation in the morning, followed by a mini awards ceremony and then out to celebrate for the rest of the day! We had a lovely lunch at Open Farm Community and then went to Temple Cellars for a wine tasting session.

Wine aside, one of the highlights of the day is always the awards ceremony. This year we chose one book for each person, based on the value they most embodied in the previous year. Here are the books we chose:

Broken Glass: The Customer Rules - Lee Cockerell
Pay It Forward: Superconnector - Scott Gerber & Ryan Paugh
No I in Team: Culture Code - Daniel Coyle
Thinker: Grit - Angela Duckworth | Originals - Adam Grant
Laughter: The Happiness Project - Gretchen Rubin
No People No Planet No Point: The Archipelago of Hope - Gleb Raygorodetsky

We're looking forward to reading these, and to the year ahead - cheers!
