By now, we know assessing employee engagement, wellbeing, and mental health is integral to a company’s bottom line and survival. But, are we asking the right questions? Are we issuing surveys with the past and future climate in mind?
Here are 10 unique, post-COVID employee engagement questions to include in your next pulse check:
Start with looking back. COVID-19 fatigue is a real thing, but instead of seeing this season as an interim between ‘business as usual,’ address the lessons and challenges your team has learnt from this period:
What have you enjoyed or seen a benefit in doing to manage during the last few months?
What do you find most stressful at the moment and what could be done to alleviate that stress (by your company, coworkers, yourself...etc)?
In what ways have you felt recognised at work in the past 6 months?
Which areas would you most like to discuss with your manager in a review/appraisal in lieu of the past 6 months? (ie: career progression, welfare, progress on work/projects, areas of concern, training...etc)
What do you want from your manager right now? From your CEO? From your company?
Then, set your eyes forward. Think about the vision set in place for 2020 and ask yourself if it extends far enough into the changing future. How can employees anchor themselves to the company’s purpose?
At the end of 2020, when you look back at the year, what do you want to be most proud of achieving?
What is your passion and what is the ideal amount of time you’d like to spend on it?
Do you feel you have received enough information and updates on the direction that the company is headed? How do you want to contribute to that?
If you could cherry-pick parts of 2019 and 2020 for an optimal hybrid, how do you envision your company’s culture to evolve?
In 5 years, what will make you proud to be working for this organization?
While all employees are experiencing some degree of disruption, the range of experiences is wide, from the very positive to the very negative. Employee engagement surveys have to be more fluid right now to allow for further discussion and acknowledge the genuine differences in the workforce. It’s no longer just about the data you collect, but ensuring communication between the business and your employees are in good stead to build trust, rapport, and security.
Here's how we can help.
We're currently offering free pulse checks to help you get your Employee Engagement Survey off the ground, you can check out this page, or get in touch with people expert KJ Green directly.
If these questions are making you realise you need help ensuring your team and yourself are feeling supported during this time, download our Coaching brochure here.